Transparent solar panels How do greenhouses benefit?

Plants need not only sunlight, but also optimal temperature and water for their growth. Therefore, like many other practices, the impact on the environment is often negative.

But this does not mean that there are no solutions. Precisely, transparent solar panels seek to reduce the carbon footprint of greenhouses.

Many times you need to lower the temperature and the panels are ideal for that because they reflect infrared radiation and prevent overheating in summer. Other times you have to increase the temperature and this is achieved by controlling the passage of wavelengths would be selective, researchers have calculated the amounts of energy according to different regions.

The studies demonstrated the viability of these projects, at the same time that they found a way to make this type of practice more sustainable.

Where else can transparent solar panels be installed?
Windows and facades

Transparent solar panels on windows were one of the first uses for it. They work as follows:

Photovoltaic glass captures solar radiation and absorbs it from conductors that are connected to the window frame, capable of extracting energy. This energy is then stored in a photovoltaic battery.

It is beneficial both for energy efficiency and for thermal insulation.

2. In cars and machines

They can be applied in all types of cars, also in the window. Its great benefit is in increasing the autonomy of a car, since it allows energy to be stored in the batteries.


Advantages of transparent solar panels


Thanks to the materials used in this type of panels, it allowed and discovered many new application options that were not possible before with conventional panels.

These new uses make panels increasingly common in our daily lives as a means of producing renewable energy.



Since solar panels are generally located outdoors, they need to be made of resistant materials. In this case, a material very similar to plastic was used, capable of concentrating the sun’s energy and resisting for many years.

Energy efficiency

A lot of research is currently being done to improve this area, but in any case, very good and surprising results were achieved with the first ones.

Positive impact on the planet

Like almost all alternative energies, transparent solar panels have a positive impact on the environment, that is, they are much less polluting than other energy sources.

What are you waiting for to place transparent solar panels and reduce your carbon footprint? For more information on solar energy, visit our blog.

Which are the countries with the largest renewable solar energy capacity?

Solar energy is a renewable energy that has become fundamental in reducing carbon emissions, especially in countries with the highest pollution. The current installed capacity allows us to think of a record growth in the coming years.

As awareness of global warming and climate change grows, countries are concentrating their efforts on intensifying the production of renewable solar energy. For this reason, more and more facilities around the world are looking to reduce carbon emissions.

According to studies, it is estimated that the total installed capacity at the end of 2019 increased to about 627 gigawatts (GW) worldwide.

Given these numbers, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that renewable solar energy will set new records from 2022.

Solar energy: information on yields

Solar photovoltaic generation increased 22% in 2019, representing the second-highest power generation growth of all renewable technologies. The first was hydroelectric and, behind solar energy, wind power.

China is undoubtedly the world’s largest market for renewable solar energy. Since they plan to further reduce emissions before 2060, it is estimated that the activity will grow even more in the coming years.

In any case, solar energy is already a fact in many parts of the world, which are even intensifying their efforts and creating new technologies.

What are the countries with the largest solar energy capacity in the world?

1.China – 205 GW

China has the world’s largest installed solar power fleet, producing about 205 GW (2019), according to the IEA Renewables 2020 report.

Even that same year, electricity generation from solar energy increased to 223.8 terawatt hours (TWh).

China is the country with the most emissions in the world, which is why its economy and energy needs give rise to the growth of renewable energy.

Currently, the largest solar plant in China is the Huanghe Hydropower Hainan Solar Park (2.2 GW) in Qinghai province.

2.United States – 76 GW

The United States had the second largest installed solar capacity in the world in 2019, with a total of 76 GW and a production of 93.1 TWh of electricity.

The country is looking to increase its efforts to produce more renewable energy and fully decarbonise its energy system. For this reason, installations in the United States are estimated to reach around 419GW.

The states with the most solar projects are California, Texas, Florida and Virginia.

The reason behind the US growth is the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). This obliges energy distributors to supply a percentage of electricity from renewable sources.

3.Japan – 63.2 GW

Japan ranks third among the countries with the largest solar power capacity. It has a park of 63.2 GW in 2019, according to IEA data, generating 74.1 TWh of electricity.

The popularity of renewable energy stems from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, which led the country to scale back its nuclear plants. It is estimated that by 2025, installed solar capacity in Japan could reach 100GW, depending on government policies and production costs.

4.Germany – 49.2 GW

In Europe, the leading country in renewable energy is Germany, with a park of about 49.2 GW in 2019, which generates 47.5 TWh of electricity.

With the German government proposing to increase its 2030 solar installation target to 100 GW, solar installations have grown remarkably.

Small-scale private facilities are common in Germany, because they are supported by the government. On the other hand, utility-scale projects are expected to grow in the coming years.

Currently the largest project is the 187 megawatt (MW) facility at Weezoow-Willmersdorf, northeast of Berlin.

5. India – 38 GW

India has the fifth largest installed solar capacity in the world, totaling 38 GW in 2019, and produces 54 TWh of electricity.

India is the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world, so the demand for renewable energy is expected to grow throughout the region. In addition, policies are being implemented to end the use of fossil fuels.

The government has set a target of 450 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030. The driving force behind the change is the extraordinary cost competitiveness of solar power, which outperforms coal power.

What are the largest solar energy sources in the world?

As we said, solar energy became the fastest growing energy source and this is due to the constant projects that arise in different countries and the need to exploit the potential of each country.

We show you the plants or energy sources